A publishing career that spans over 35 years, critic and editor Susan Snodgrass writes about contemporary art, art criticism, material art practices, architecture, urbanism, and public art.

My book Inside the Matrix: The Radical Designs of Ken Isaacs published by Half Letter Press is currently out of stock; limited copies are available at select bookstores. It is my hope to print a second edition and I will keep you updated here.

The French edition Dans la matrice : le design radical de Ken Isaacs is still available at Sombres torrents.

Inside the Matrix surveys the highly individual practice of American architect and designer Ken Isaacs, whose populist, DIY designs created between the 1950s and 1970s challenged mainstream definitions of modernism. His experimental Living Structures, Microhouses, and Alpha Chambers provided alternative solutions to the spatial and ecological challenges of midcentury modern life and continue to shape the present and future of environmental design.

See reviews of the book below.

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In/Site: Reflections on the art of place

In/Site: Reflections on the Art of Place is my blog devoted to art, architecture and urbanism, using Chicago as a vantage point for reflections on the work of contemporary artists, public art and urban projects that reinvent the spatial environment of the city.

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